What can you do with the Kinesics App Analytics?
Injury Prevention
Kinesics App provides objective, quantifiable data analytics to proactively identify muscle imbalances and joint restrictions. Early detection decreases the risk of injury. That’s why the app was built with an in-app intervention feature (Custom Flexibility and Mobility Programs) and comparative data analytics to track progress over time.
Baseline Data
Injuries do happen—even under proactive care. The Kinesics App provides pre-injury baseline data to determine the severity of an injury—should an injury occur.
Injury Recovery
Kinesics App is used to complement the treatment of acute phase injury, for obtaining pre-surgical baselines, and as a measure of post-surgical treatment progress.
Health IQ
The Kinesics App’s objective data is used to validate the effectiveness of the Custom Flexibility and Mobility Programs and also supports professional decision making for exercise recommendations and activities of daily living.
“The Kinesics App identifies muscle imbalances, asymmetries, and joint restrictions—to unveil the areas vulnerable to injury.”

Evaluate & Deliver Results
Kinesics Evaluation
A Kinesics Qualified Professional (KQP) Collects a series of ROM measurements using a digital measurement tool and the Kinesics App.
The Kinesics Evaluation is a collection of range of motion measurements using a digital measurement tool. It provides objective data identifying joint and muscle restrictions, which is used to stratify a population and implement programmatic solutions.
Kinesics App: Analytics
The Kinesics Application intuitively categorizes each measurement as a percent of ideal (severe, moderate or ideal) based on the levels of flexibility and mobility for the assessed level of motion for that given joint.
These classifications were developed using the industry standard normative ranges that qualify as acceptable for discharge and are considered the least vulnerable for injury. Participants with evaluation data that is outside of the ideal reference range, or have asymmetries from right to left, are at an increased risk for injury and musculoskeletal disorders (MSD).
In-App Results Report
The Kinesics App generates a Results Report with 1-click and presents the findings to the participant immediately after the evaluation. Each participant is given access to the Kinesics App Participant Portal via a second-series authenticated email containing their unique login and password information. Here, participants can access their evaluation results, Custom Flexibility and Mobility Programs, and check in for accountability.
Musculoskeletal Health Index
The Musculoskeletal Health Index graph depicts the overall percentage of Ideal, Moderate, and Severe measurements in the body. It is the summation of each individual ROM measurement for the selected evaluation
“Proactive interventions reduce the risk of injury and the cost associated with the reactive approach to healthcare.”

Deploy Interventions
Customized Flexibility & Mobility Programs
A stretch Activity is assigned to Severe, Moderate, and Asymmetrical measurements.The total of all assigned activities is called a Custom Flexibility and Mobility Program.
Participants can access their assigned Custom Flexibility and Mobility Program by logging into the Kinesics App Participant Portal. Participants are encouraged to check-in for accountability and to track progress. All assigned flexibility and mobility activities have video and PDF tutorials so participants feel confident executing their programs.
Participant Portal
Video Tutorials
Instructional One-Sheets
“Participants stay engaged and motivated with Kinesics App’s interactive features”

Monitor for change
A re-assessment date is scheduled to monitor for changes in the Severe, Moderate, or Asymmetrical measurements addressed in the Customized Flexibility and Mobility Program to track progress and update programs regularly.
Re-evaluations are conducted at least once annually to remeasure all measurements from the initial evaluation for comparison. The data from up to 3 previous evaluations can be compared to track progress.
In-app Comparative Reporting
Up to 3 Individual Body Index Cards can be selected for comparison. Comparisons can be viewed in global or granular view. Compare up to 3 evaluation data sets by viewing the percentage of ideal for the entire body, per body segment, or on the Body Avatar which represents a per measurement view.